28 January, 2007

Regarding Furrier's new spouse and potentially improper exertions.

I should not say that I am surprised, for I am not. But I do feel the need to make comment on this what I see to be a return to reprehensible tactics on your part, Furrier.
Chaps, when I met Sir Douglas years ago, it was in, not to be too explicit, a much different circumstance than this. I shall refrain, for the vainglory of us both, a delving into the salacious detail of circumstance, the Siberian excess, the shadow of the town Irkutsk with its questionable citizenry and their countless dubious nocturnal manoeveurs.
When I was contacted by Dougie and told of this fair gathering of gentry, I hesitated, but was assured that I was being enticed to join Gentlemen (and many of them!), creatures of discernment, of chivalry, and of blue-blooded valour. And oh, how I do Love a firm bit of  blue-blooded valour!
I had myself, for some years now I confess, been making able-bodied exertions to propel myself up out of the gutter and into a gathering of civility. So how well pleased was I to hear that not only was Dougie doing the same, but that his Moroccan boyservant was still able to find me after all this time (and WHAT A MANSERVANT HE IS)
I’m sure, dear chaps, we are all aware of these ice queens, these Russian Beauties, these ubiquitous brides, with their ample bosoms and showy gimcracks. Well I for one will not remain silent in an instance like this. Should I see, tomorrow evening, that this Beauty is being treated with anything less than a gentlemen’s firm commitment, I shall quickly, loquaciously, and voluminously reveal Furrier’s coloured past to her, that she may be au courant to his at times cryptic motivations.
So, good Dougie, with all undue respect, I hope to see a devout allegiance between you and this lost child of Romanov, an allegiance that remains unwavering when the ladies-in-waiting arrive, and when the maidservants top up your vodka.
One cannot afford to be irregular in days like these, Furrier, especially when one is so prone to looking critically upon the engrossments of others (I speak here of Ravenshaw’s woodprints, whose authenticity you were so quick to pounce upon)
Yrs righteously in trepidatious times,

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